Privacy statement

What is personal data?

Personal data is information that can be traced back to you as a person. Examples of personal data are your name, home address and email address. You will find more information about personal data and privacy legislation on the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Why does use your personal data?

When you receive information from, we need your address details to send you this information. In addition, processes your personal data (your email address) for sending the online newsletter and digital press releases. Registration of your personal data (e-mail address) is necessary or desirable to register for the use of instruments. TNO will then use your personal data on the basis of your permission.

How long does keep your personal data?

TNO does not process your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose of the data processing. If you have registered to receive information from and you have unsubscribed, TNO will delete your data.

How does secure your personal data?

TNO considers it very important that the personal data you provide is treated and secured with the greatest possible care. In order to optimally protect your personal data against loss, theft, unauthorized access or incorrect use, TNO takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. These measures include measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data through physical, technical (access) controls.

Does give personal data to other organizations?

TNO does not share your data with others. Under no circumstances will your data be sold. However, there are also exceptions in which TNO is obliged to provide personal data to others. This always concerns special circumstances, such as, for example, in legal proceedings or to prevent crimes.

What are your privacy rights?

Based on GDPR, you have various rights to check if TNO collects and uses your personal data in accordance with the law. You can request access to your data, check if TNO has used the data lawfully or object against the processing of your personal data.

If you want to exercise your privacy rights, you can send an email to You can aslo send a letter to:

Stofvrijwerken – TNO
Postbus 3005

In order for your request to be considered, please include the following information in the email or letter:

  • your name and address;
  • date;
  • description of your request, including your relationship with TNO Physical Work Load.

If in doubt about your identity, TNO may ask you to provide additional information.

Your request will always be processed. However, this does not mean that your request can be granted without further ado. In some cases your privacy rights do not apply.

You will receive a reply to your request within a month. If your request cannot be processed within a month, you will be notified accordingly. TNO is required to process your request within three months at the latest.

Incidents (data breach)

In spite of our precautionary measures designed to give personal data the best possible protection, it remains possible that an incident may occur in which personal data are involved. An incident of this type is called a data breach. If you believe that a data breach is occurring at TNO, always get in touch with us by sending an email to

The following information should be supplied when reporting a data breach:

  • your name and contact details;
  • the nature of the incident;
  • which personal data are involved;
  • which systems are involved in the incident; and
  • when and how you discovered the incident.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please contact You can also send a letter to:

TNO stofvrijwerken
Postbus 3005


This privacy statement may be changed at any time by TNO without prior announcement. Changes come into effect as soon as they are published on this website.