Classification vacuum cleaners
The industrial vacuum cleaners in the overview are classified on the basis of the TNO Performance Test. Vacuum cleaners are given a classification and an hour label.
The performance test is based on testing complete systems, i.e. the tool, the extraction module, hose and vacuum cleaner. For comparable systems (tools or vacuum cleaners), no additional TNO Performance Test is required. The assessment of this equivalence is carried out by TNO. Read more about the TNO performance test here.
ABC/D Label (Vacuum Operating Capacity Label)
TNO has developed a standard test to compare the performance of different vacuum cleaners. This test concerns an industrial vacuum cleaner in combination with a Metabo angle grinder WE 9-125 Quick 125 mm (900 W) with TNO extractor hood. Work is carried out continuously in sand-lime bricks for a period of 60 minutes. Approximately 60 linear meters of trench will be produced during this period. The amount of quartz-containing material collected in the industrial vacuum cleaner is approximately 7.0 kg.
A label follows from the test. For classification in one of the classes mentioned, a vacuum cleaner must meet both the requirements regarding the minimum capacity for that class and the requirement for the minimum TNO hourly label belonging to that class. All vacuum cleaners with an A, B or C label are also suitable for woodworking.
The label indicates in which class a vacuum cleaner falls. TNO defines the following four vacuum cleaner classes:
* capacity measured after the test at the end of the hose after cleaning the filter Rules regarding the use of the labels can be read on the Label Use Guidelines page.
Hour label
The hour label indicates how many hours (1-8 hours) can be worked per 8-hour working day without exceeding the occupation exposure limit related to a harmful substance (eg quartz or hardwood), measured in the breathing zone of the employee. The exposure is tested against the Dutch occupational exposure limit(GSW TGG-8h), as stated on the website of the Social and Economic Council (SER). For each tool tested, the TNO performance test is based on the limit value valid during the preparation of the publication.
Vacuum cleaners that are only suitable for wood are tested in combination with an eccentric sander. These vacuum cleaners can receive a D label. Vacuum cleaners that have been tested in combination with combination hammer are not labeled. For stony materials, only the angle grinder comparison test is used.
ATTENTION! The label relates exclusively to the complete tooling system (combination of vacuum cleaner, extraction hose, tools and extraction accessory) and should never be used to indicate the performance of a vacuum cleaner alone.